Search results for: “Mungo”

  • Publications

    BOOKS ABOUT GLASGOW CATHEDRAL  AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS AT DISCOUNTED PRICES: Lauchlan MacLean Watt: Preacher, Poet and Piping Padre by Andrew G. Ralston Poet, army chaplain, novelist, historian, literary critic, musician,theologian, ‘preacher of genius and fire’ – the list of the accomplishments of the Rev. Dr. Lauchlan MacLean Watt (1867-1957) seems…

  • Heritage and Journey

    Medieval Catholic Origins Erected between AD 1136 and 1484, Glasgow Cathedral is now Scotland’s largest place of worship. Its history reflects contrasting Christian identities. The site was an ancient pilgrimage destination containing the tomb of the 6th-century Celtic missionary to Strathclyde, St Kentigern (or Mungo). This gave access to the special grace of a saint…

  • Donate

    Jesus said……. ‘I was hungry, and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.’  How you can support the ongoing work of…

  • Home


    GUIDED TOURS AT GLASGOW CATHEDRAL For information on Guided Tours, please see Visit on this Site Sunday Worship every Sunday 11 am — all welcome. For up-to-date information on opening hours please visit Historic Environment Scotland. GUIDED TOURS AT GLASGOW CATHEDRAL For information on Guided Tours, please see Visit on this Site * * * * *…