
A Sunday Morning Service live from Glasgow Cathedral

Welcome to the live broadcast from the Cathedral. We begin the broadcast about 5 minutes prior to the start of worship.

Worship is lead this morning by The Rev’d Mark Johnstone.

The Order of Service is available for download here.

With the announcement that Glen and Jane Collie are retiring from the Kirk Session and the digital work they have provided at Glasgow Cathedral, we will be exploring our future online provision.

Glasgow Cathedral is a reformed Church and must always be ready to reform. 

The gratitude we owe Glen and Jane is without measure.  They have held the Cathedral congregation together during the challenges of Covid. They have allowed us to engage beyond geographical boarders and unimaginable distances. We will find an appropriate way to thank them for their many years of service.

At this time, I invite you to join us ‘online’ for Easter Sunday. This will be an opportunity to share with worship at the cathedral through our streaming service. 

During the Sundays following Easter we will take a break from streaming and review our ongoing online presence.

Please visit our website or Facebook page regularly for an update on our future provision.  We look forward to exciting new ways of engaging with our extended congregation.

Glasgow Cathedral, St Mungo’s or High
Scottish Charity Number: SC013966